Your digital photos are all judges can view. Let’s make them work for you!

a.Full quilt front

b.Full quilt back

c.Detail quilt front

d.Detail quilt back

e.Detail quilt front binding
Make sure your camera is on the highest quality setting. This will make your file sizes larger.
The larger the file size, the better quality of image; the more megapixels you use, the better your photograph will be. Also, be very sure your camera is in focus when shooting your quilt.
The full straight-on view shot must be a FULL shot.
No folded corners, please, no bushes or trees in front of the quilt, and no fingers peeking over the top. For the best results, suspend your quilt from a curtain rod, without folding over the top; letting it hang freely.
Shoot your quilt at a 90° angle from the CENTER of the quilt.
If you shoot your quilt from above or below, the quilt does not appear square *see illustrations. Use your best source of lighting.
Shooting outdoors on a cloudy day gives a nice evenly distributed light.
Avoid harsh, direct sunlight as it will blow out the color of your work. If you must shoot your quilt indoors, choose a room with the most natural lighting, and try to avoid any shadowing over your quilt.
When selecting your detail shot, choose a 12-inch section of your quilt that is your best work. Make sure you’re not physically too close to your quilt when taking the picture, as your camera may have trouble focusing. Not only will your quilt photographs be viewed by our jury, if your quilt is selected to your photograph may be used and re-used for publication and re-publication digital or printed material.
Make sure each photo is saved as a jpeg and is under 10 MB.
Depending on your network, it may take several minutes to complete the upload. It may appear that nothing is happening, try waiting 2-3 minutes to see if it uploads successfully. :)
- Saved as a high resolution jpeg
- File is under 10 MB
- Use best lighting
- Check focus
- Shoot outside on a cloudy day
Avoid shooting from above or below and from the side:

Shoot at a 90 angle at the center of the quilt.